Get ready for Spring with a Spring Cleanup!
Spring is right around the corner and the changing of seasons can have a great impact on your lawn and landscaping. Organic debris such as old leaves and branches can damage your turf leaving dead spots and have an effect on soil chemistry. Leaving your lawn vulnerable can cause disease to spread to your trees and plants.
Turf aeration can help with thatch and soil compaction, while reseeding can repair bare spots and thinned grassy areas. Updating and realigning lawn and landscape edging will redefine borders. Cleaning flower beds and clearing garden debris, pruning, and trimming trees and shrubs and planting new softscape features bring the best results for summer growth.
When done in a timely manner, spring cleanups not only improve the appearance of your yard, but also increase the property value, and keep your yard healthy throughout the warm season.
Call us today to get a quote for your landscape services for 2021! (763) 477-5011
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