Hantho Outdoor Services

30+ Years of Premier Commercial Snow and Ice Management
Now with additional services: Irrigation, Fertilization & Weed Control, and Lawn Care


From the Desk of Charles

At Hantho, we are increasing our capacity for holding brine by adding additional tanks.

For years, granular salt has been the primary form of the control of compacted snow and ice.

For over 30 years, we have been making our own brine. WE use this liquid product for pre-treating sidewalks and pavement areas prior to a snow event.

We also use liquids as a pre-wet product where we spray liquid brine onto granular salt at the time of doing post salting applications. Advantages include less use of granular salt and accurate placement of salt as the bounce factor of granular salt is dramatically reduced.

However, the use of straight brine is not always the answer. We blend additional products with the brine to accommodate lower temps. At Hantho, we custom blend for every event based on road temperatures. The custom blending takes place when temps fall or are below 20F.

To learn more contact me at Charles@hanthofarms.com

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