Hantho Outdoor Services

30+ Years of Premier Commercial Snow and Ice Management
Now with additional services: Irrigation, Fertilization & Weed Control, and Lawn Care


From the desk of Charles: Preparation & Documentation Matters.

Today we met with a customer who has trusted Hantho for the last 4 years. We talked about Covid, Labor issues, and all sorts of challenges we have faced together over that time. They are resigning for 2 years, not going out to bid. His reasoning was the value of our service and the protection of our documentation. He specifically cited two slip and fall cases that his insurance suggested settling before they saw our materials. Once they saw what we could provide for documentation, they decided to send it to the other side, (who was paid a percentage of the settlement) who dropped the case. Their savings? Average claim is $75-100k

What did we provide?

  • Our site preparations – This included detailed information about where, what, and how we would provide services. Detailed maps and areas that were a priority.
  • Our preparations – these included copies of daily emails about the upcoming storm and our plan of action. Which the customer shared with all building tenants.
  • Our actions – This included when we were there, what equipment was there, what was done as well as what products were used.
  • The weather – An hourly storm report from a certified weather source.
  • All of this is a well put together report showing we were prepared, we acted, why we acted, what we did and how we did it with. Our clients appreciate what should be standard for our industry.

-Charles Glossop

Want to learn more about how we provide services? Contact us today at: 763-477-5011 or sales@hanthofarms.com

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