Hantho Outdoor Services

30+ Years of Premier Commercial Snow and Ice Management
Now with additional services: Irrigation, Fertilization & Weed Control, and Lawn Care


From the Desk of Charles: Oversalting

From the Desk of Charles: Oversalting

The birds start to sing, we see buds on trees starting to swell, and we start to feel the warmth of the sun on our backs. We often get fooled by a 60-degree F Sunday that is sunny and nice, then only 24 hours later and we are back to 30 degrees F and we have a few inches of snow on the ground.

While getting ready for spring mulching; fertilization, and pre-emergent of mulch beds can always be delayed by mother nature. What becomes obvious, is how much salt gets used in the winter. We see tailgate salters putting out more salt into the landscapes than onto the roads. The damage becomes evident with dead sod and damaged plants.

We see the same on sidewalks, salt piled up in front of doors, even along windowsills, due to carelessness and oversalting, or just plain lack of employee training.

The use of liquids most certainly eliminates many of these issues, the product is applied, and the liquid remains where it is supposed to, on roads and walks instead of in landscapes and turf areas.

For larger areas, the process of pre-wetting salt when being applied allows the salt to remain on the surface it is intended for. Being wet, the salt doesn’t bounce into landscapes and therefore, less salt is needed.

A proactive contractor will make these applications properly and should be held accountable for oversalting and causing damage.

Have questions? Contact us at: (763) 477-5011 or sales@hanthofarms.com

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