Hantho Outdoor Services

30+ Years of Premier Commercial Snow and Ice Management
Now with additional services: Irrigation, Fertilization & Weed Control, and Lawn Care


Deep Root Fertilization for Spring

Residential Deep Root Fertilizing:

Normal lawn fertilization is beneficial to grass, soil, and the shallow roots of a tree, but it is more difficult to get this fertilizer down to penetrate the roots further beneath the surface. Deep Root Fertilizing gives the entire root system access to the nutrients needed to thrive. Some benefits are:

* Stimulates root growth.
* Aids flowering, fruit development, and healthy foliage.
* Creates an increased resistance to disease and pest infestations.
* Improves soil conditions and neutralizes nutrient deficiencies.
* Prevents chlorosis (insufficient amounts of chlorophyll that results in yellow leaves).
* Aerates soil and reduces compaction.
* Promotes new shoot growth.
* Reduces weather-related injuries like frost and sunburn.

Spring is just around the corner. Schedule your fertilization services today or contact us with any questions at (763) 477-5011 or sales@hanthofarms.com.

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