Stormwater BMP Maintenance:
Hantho’s maintenance services cover a wide range of stormwater assets, including bio-detention and bio-retention ponds, catch basins, constructed wetlands, drainage channels, erosion and slope repairs, green roofs, infiltration trenches, sand filters, sediment removal, stormwater inlets/outlets, swales, and more. Hantho’s total landscaping and native vegetation maintenance, trash and debris removal, ensure that stormwater assets are functioning effectively. Hantho’s commitment to necessary ongoing maintenance helps property owners and managers avoid compliance issues and growing complications in order to meet high-quality standards for your facility’s stormwater management.
We have the ability to use several Stormwater BMP Mechanisms to ensure each BMP is performing as expected. Below are the databases we commonly use:
- Drone Inspections/ Thematic Soil Mapping
- BMP Infiltration Testing and Repairs
- BMP Compaction Inspections and Repairs
- BMP Invasive Weed Maintenance
- BMP On-Site Signage and Digital Data Access

- Cleaning/ Vacuuming/ Jetting
- Deficiency Reporting
- Inspections
- Invasive Species & Animal Control
- Proprietary Part Replacement
- Sediment Control
- Structural Maintenance
- Landscape & Native Vegetation Maintenance
- Trash & Debris Removal
- Video Inspections

Types of BMPS:
- Catch Basins
- Detention/ Retention Ponds
- Drainage Channels/ Pipes
- Grassed Swales
- Grates and Inserts
- Green Roofs
- Infiltration Trenches
- Inlets & Outfalls
- Propriety/ Engineered BMPs
- Rain Gardens
- Sand Filters
- Vaults/ Sumps